
(relocated) Captain Cook - E1 plaque - gone

This terracotta-coloured plaque is now in Australia (see eHive) with one of the chimney pots. See Captain Cook's house for information and a photo of the house with plaque.

Our image comes from the Spitalfields Life article.

Site: Captain Cook’s house - E1 (2 memorials)

E1, Mile End Road, 88

The address was 7 Assembly Row when Cook and his family moved in, 1764.

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Captain Cook - E1 plaque - gone

Subjects commemorated i

Captain Cook's house

Note: this is not Cooks' Cottage - that started life in North Yorkshire and i...

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Captain James Cook

Maritime explorer and cartographer. Born near Middlesbrough. The first to map...

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This section lists the other memorials at the same location as the memorial on this page:
Captain Cook - E1 plaque - gone

Also at this site i

Captain Cook - E1

Captain Cook - E1

{Left-most panel:} He surveyed the St Lawrence River in 1759. In three voyag...

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