Charles James Fox, 1749 - 1806, statesman, lived here.
Site: Charles Fox - W1 (1 memorial)
W1, Clarges Street, 46, The Fox Club
Charles James Fox, 1749 - 1806, statesman, lived here.
W1, Clarges Street, 46, The Fox Club
This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Charles Fox - W1
A celebrated politician, defender of the liberties of the individual, and rak...
This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Charles Fox - W1
Prior to the LCC London matters were run by church parishes. The LCC was the ...
City Airport was built about 3 miles to the east of this test landing site.
The plaque is on the pavement between the pairs of 'railway lines'.
There has been a plaque on this building since at least 2000, commemorating Sickert’s occupancy. It read: “Historic Building. W. R. Sick...
St Andrew's Place Medical Precinct was opened by Her Majesty The Queen, Visitor, The Royal College of Physicians, 11 June 1986
We were more than usually delighted to find this memorial. This gothic ruin of a garden is so lovely we wanted a way of including it on L...
Gerald Durrell, 1925 - 1995, zoologist and writer, lived here as a child. English Heritage
Mistress/wife of George, Prince of Wales, King George IV to be. Her first husband, Edward Weld, died three months after the wedding, falling off his horse, and before he had signed his new will, th...
United Kingdom citizen who died in the terrorist attacks in America on 11 September 2001. Firefighter Keithroy Marcellus Maynard was born on 22 January 1971 in Montserrat, a UK Dependency in The C...
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