
Ernest Bevin bust

Erection date: 9/5/1955


{On a bronze plaque attached to the front of the plinth:}
1881 - 1951. The Rt.Hon. Ernest Bevin "The Dockers' K.C.". National Organiser of the Dockers' Union, 1910 - 1921. General Secretary of the Transport and General Workers Union, 1921 - 1945. Chairman Trades Union Congress, 1937. Member of Parliament Central Wandsworth, 1940 - 1950 and East Woolwich, 1950 - 1951. Minister of Labour and National Service, 1940 - 1945. Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1945 - 1951. Member of the Executive Committee of the International Transport Workers Federation.
A forceful and inspiring leader of democratic principles. He gained a place in men's hearts few could equal.

{Incised on the back of the stone plinth:}
This memorial was unveiled by Councillor P.J. Geoghegan JP, Mayor of Bermondsey on 9th May 1955.
Members of the committee:
Councillor P. J. Geoghegan JP (Chairman)
Alderman R. E. Goodwin, LCC
Alderman Mrs L. Jones, MBE
Councillor A. J. Kemp, LCC
B. J. Mellish, MP
Sir Rupert De la Bere, Bart, KCVO, MP
Sir Harry Methven, KBE
J. A. Blake, GM, MBE
Arthur Deakin, CH, CBE (T. and G.W. Union)
Chas. Brandon, JP (T. and G.W. Union)
T. O'Leary (T. and G.W. Union)
T. W. Condon, OBE (T. and G.W. Union)
E. C. Harvey (T. and G.W. Union)
S. G. Griggs (Hon Secretary)

Unveiled by Bermondsey Mayor Geoghegan, Chairman of the statue committee. The committee secretary was Griggs. The list of Creators includes all the members of the committee, and the sculptor.

Site: Bevington and Bevin (2 memorials)

SE1, Queen Elizabeth Street

The Bevington statue is protected by some nice original railings which seem still to display their original coat of committee green paint.

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Ernest Bevin bust

Subjects commemorated i

Ernest Bevin

Born in Winford, Somerset. "The Dockers' K.C.". Self-taught. National Organ...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Ernest Bevin bust

Created by i

Charles Brandon, JP

Of the Transport and General Workers Union.

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T. W. Condon, OBE

Of the Transport and General Workers Union.

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Arthur Deakin, CH, CBE

General Secretary of the Transport & General Workers Union, 1940 until hi...

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This section lists the other memorials at the same location as the memorial on this page:
Ernest Bevin bust

Also at this site i

Samuel Bevington statue

Samuel Bevington statue

{Carved on the front of the stone plinth:} Samuel Bourne Bevington VD, JP, 18...

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