
Esme Percy fountain

Erection date: 1961


{No inscription or plaque that we could see, in 2016.}

Site: Esme Percy fountain (1 memorial)

SW7, The Flower Walk, Kensington Gardens, Palace Gate

We'd guess that Percy was fond of dogs and that he lived in Kensington, but we don't know.

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Esme Percy fountain

Subjects commemorated i

Esme Percy

Esme Percy, once famous as a producer and star of stage and 50 films, but for...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Esme Percy fountain

Created by i

Sylvia Gilley

Sculptor.  Gilley was a studio assistant to Frank Dobson 1930-1939. The image...

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