
Fred Kormis sculpture

Erection date: 2006


Angels' Wings by Fred (Fritz) Kormis, sculptor and medalist 1897 - 1986. Born Frankfurt, Germany. Refugee from Nazism to Britain 1936. "A kindly and gentle friend, craftsman and artist." Reg Freeson PC.

Donated to Queen’s Park by Reg Freeson.

Site: Angels' Wings - Fred Kormis sculpture (1 memorial)

NW6, Queen's Park

On our visit the planting around this sculpture was so luxuriant that it was not easy to examine the sculpture nor to photograph it.

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Fred Kormis sculpture

Subjects commemorated i

Fred (Fritz) Kormis

Sculptor and medallist. Born Frankfurt, Germany. From the very informative W...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Fred Kormis sculpture

Created by i

Reg Freeson

Born in St Pancras as Reginald Yarnitz Freeson. Served in the army in WW2. La...

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Fred (Fritz) Kormis

Sculptor and medallist. Born Frankfurt, Germany. From the very informative W...

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