Gilbert Bayes, 1872 - 1953, sculptor, lived here 1931 - 1953.
English Heritage
Site: Gilbert Bayes (1 memorial)
NW6, Greville Place, 4
Gilbert Bayes, 1872 - 1953, sculptor, lived here 1931 - 1953.
English Heritage
NW6, Greville Place, 4
This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Gilbert Bayes
Born 6 Oval Road, Camden Town. Also did the bronze group with clock at the en...
This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Gilbert Bayes
English Heritage (officially the English Heritage Trust) is a charity that ma...
Siegfried Sassoon, MC, poet, novelist, biographer, 1886-1967, lived and worked in a house on this site, 1919-1925. The Thorney Island Soc...
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The designers of this plaque seem to be anticipating the need for additional memorials.
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Heath's upbringing is described as borderline between the working and middle classes.
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