Plaque | War dead | WW1

Harrow School - gates - east pier


These gates were erected in memory of Colonel E. D. Miller, CBE, DSO, DL, 17th Lancers of Spring Hill, Rugby, Harrovian, soldier, sportsman, by his many friends and admirers from all over the world.

Site: Harrow School - Miller gates + Grenfell terraces (3 memorials)

HA1, Church Hill

The gate piers with the urns, that can be seen in our photo, each have a plaque on the other, north facing, side. These are only visible from the large tarmaced area between them and the school building. In our photo the Grenfell terraces plaque can be seen just below the central balustrade.

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Harrow School - gates - east pier

Subjects commemorated i

Colonel E. D. Miller

17th Lancers of Spring Hill, Rugby, Harrovian, soldier, sportsman. Father of ...

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This section lists the other memorials at the same location as the memorial on this page:
Harrow School - gates - east pier

Also at this site i

Harrow School - gates - west pier

Harrow School - gates - west pier

Also of his son, Gordon Darley Miller, RFA, killed in action, north Russia – ...

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Harrow School - Grenfell terraces

Harrow School - Grenfell terraces

These terraces and steps were constructed in 1929 through the generosity of E...

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