
(lost) Joe Strummer underpass

Erection date: 22/12/2009


Joe Strummer Subway

There is one of these signs at each entrance to this subway, where Strummer used to busk. The subway itself contains an ex-shop which McHarg has been running as an art gallery for a few years. McHarg designed and installed the signs.

2018: Londonist have photoed another of these signs, in a dreadful condition. TfL, Westminster, whoever's responsibility it is - pull your socks up.

Site: Flyover & subway (2 memorials)

W2, Marylebone Road, Joe Strummer Subway

February 2011 and Westminster Council are considering closing the subway.

July 2017: Thanks Richard Ruth for reporting that the Strummer plaque is still there.

2018: Subway closed.

December 2022: Hoarding around the building on this corner encompasses the subway so it is now inaccessible and impossible to see whether the plaque remains.

March 2024: Ian Visits reported that the subway is to be filled in and to operate as a sustainable urban drainage system, a rain garden.

October 2024: The rain garden has come to pass: Ian Visits.

We've marked the plaque as lost.  If anyone sees it reappear please let us know.

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Joe Strummer underpass

Subjects commemorated i

Joe Strummer

Co-founder and lead singer of The Clash. Born as John Graham Mellor in Turkey...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Joe Strummer underpass

Created by i

Robert Gordon McHarg III

Opened the Subway Gallery in 2006.

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This section lists the other memorials at the same location as the memorial on this page:
Joe Strummer underpass

Also at this site i

Marylebone Flyover

Marylebone Flyover

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