
John F Kennedy bust - new position

Erection date: 2019


{On the front of the plinth:}
John F. Kennedy, 1917 - 1963

{Hand-inscribed on the base of the bust, at the back:}
J. Lipchitz
{Before the 'J', also hand-inscribed, is what looks like a large capital 'O' but is presumably a 'C'.}

First installed on Marylebone Road, vandalism caused this bust to be removed in 2017, cleaned and reinstalled in this foyer in 2019.

Site: Kennedy bust - new position (2 memorials)

W1, Great Portland Street, International Students House

In our photo the bust's white plinth can be seen behind the glass doors. This entrance, facing onto a parking lot, is the back of 1-6 in that lovely Georgian Park Crescent.

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
John F Kennedy bust - new position

Subjects commemorated i

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Of Irish descent, born in Brookline, Massachusetts. 35th President of the Uni...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
John F Kennedy bust - new position

Created by i

Jacques Lipchitz

Born as Chaim Jacob Lipchitz Druskieniki, Lithuania. Died on the island of C...

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This section lists the other memorials at the same location as the memorial on this page:
John F Kennedy bust - new position

Also at this site i

International Students House

International Students House

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother declared open this International...

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