
John Humffreys Parry


Ysgol Farddol Caerfyrddin
Ger y man hwn lladdwyd  JOHN HUMFFREYS PARRY (1786 - 1825)  Golygydd a Newyddiadurwr.  Gwnaeth gyfraniad pwysig at yr adfywiad o ddiddordeb mewn llenyddiaeth Cymru.
Taith Heb ei Chyffelyb yn y Byd

{Translates as:}
Carmarthen Bardic School
Near this spot the editor and journalist John Humffreys Parry (1786 - 1825) was killed. He made an important contribution to reviving interest in Welsh literature.
“A journey without match in the world”

This plaque is smaller than usual and not the expected ceramic. We think it was erected in 2013 and might be a glossy or plasticised paper which probably won't last too long. All the more interesting for that. We have been particularly dependent on our Welsh consultant, David Hopkins, for researching this memorial. Many, many thanks.

Site: John Humffreys Parry (1 memorial)

N1, Northdown Street, Pollard House

Parry's plaque can be seen in our photo to the left of the entrance arch.  To the right of our photo is another, more permanent, black plaque "Erected by the East End Dwellings Co. Limited 1893". 

British History on-line  identifies what is now 16 Northdown Street (used to be North Street) as the Prince of Wales public house where the fatal brawl started.  Number 16 is the building immediately to the left of the block of flats which sports the plaque, the low white building with a statue of the Virgin Mary on the first floor roof.

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
John Humffreys Parry

Subjects commemorated i

John Humffreys Parry

Born Flintshire, Wales.  Came to London in 1807 to train as a lawyer at the T...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
John Humffreys Parry

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