Thomas More - Woolwich Town Hall
SE18, Wellington Street, Greenwich Town Hall
We can find no confirmation that More lived at Eltham, though he probably visited his daughter, Margaret Roper, at her home there. From e...
We can find no confirmation that More lived at Eltham, though he probably visited his daughter, Margaret Roper, at her home there. From e...
In 1906 this building replaced the previous, also purpose-built, 1842 Woolwich town hall which still survives, nearby, on the corner of C...
In 1906 this building replaced the previous, also purpose-built, 1842 Woolwich town hall which still survives, nearby, on the corner of C...
The Diary of Samuel Pepys confirms that Pepys moved his wife out to Woolwich away from the plague, but he does not himself appear ever to...
This work consists of approximately 240,000 red and pink hearts, one for each of the UK Covid deaths. Volunteers created this mural and,...
'OL' stands for 'Old Lyonian'. 'Stet Fortuna Domus' means ' Let the fortune of the house stand'.
When the theatres were here the street was named Well Street. There are 10 bollards, some damaged, but the survival of the collection is ...
in 2013 this statue was discovered by maintenance workers in the grounds of what was at the time, the Oasis Academy Hadley in Bell Lane. ...
The School of Historical Dress purchased the freehold in 2016. From their Facebook page: The building was erected in 1841 as The Royal So...
The alley is so narrow that it's difficult to photograph this interesting building. In our photo you can see the black plaque on the whit...