
Magna Carta fountain

Erection date: 15/6/1994


{On a plaque attached to the low brick pier to the left of the memorial:}
The Magna Carta Fountain
Sculptured from an original concept by Chris Smith and Daniel Kwashie of Runnymede Borough Council.
Sculptured by LBP Sculpture and Design in conjunction with Burleighfield Arts Limited, Watermark, Hydrodynamics Ltd, Sussex Stone.

{On a bronze plaque attached to the front of the memorial:}
The Magna Carta Fountain
Inaugurated by the Rt. Hon. Sir Thomas Bingham, Master of the Rolls and Chairman of the Magna Carta Trust on 15th June 1994.

{On a shield at the left of the memorial:}
Richard de Montfichet

{On the scroll:}
Wherefore it is Our will, and We firmly enjoin that the English Church be free and that the men in Our kingdom have and hold all the aforesaid liberties, rights, and concessions, well and peaceably, freely and quietly, fully and wholly, for themselves and their heirs, of Us and Our heirs, in all respects and in all places for ever, as is aforesaid.  An oath, moreover, has been taken, as well on Our part as on the part of the barons, that all these conditions aforesaid shall be kept in good faith and without evil intent.  Given under Our hand – in the meadow which is called Runnymede, between Windsor and Staines, on the 15th day of June, in the seventeenth year of Our reign.

Interesting that no artist is named for this sculpture. As far as we can tell all the names on the plaque are of those in the council who came up with the idea or of companies whose prime function is physically producing objects, e.g. Burleighfield Arts Limited is a sculpture casting studio. We feel a more prominent guiding artistic spirit would have helped.

Site: Magna Carta fountain (1 memorial)

TW20, High Street Egham, Tesco Metro

On our first visit, summer 2014, the water was running, making the scroll a little difficult to read and leaving a nasty green stain on the sculpture and stone. By spring 2015 the whole thing had been cleaned up, and the fountain was not running, even on a lovely sunny day. Could it be that it's being kept spick and span for the 800 year celebration in June?

Laid into the pavement here and further along the High Street there are a number of mosaic shields representing, we think, the barons who put the screws on King John.

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Magna Carta fountain

Subjects commemorated i

Magna Carta

There are four surviving original copies of Magna Carta - two in the British ...

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Richard de Montfichet

Birth date approximate.  Essex landowner.  One of the twenty-five barons appo...

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King John

Born Oxford, youngest son of Henry II, succeeding on the death of his brother...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Magna Carta fountain

Created by i

Lord Bingham of Cornhill

Born as Thomas Henry Bingham on 13 October 1933, his birth was registered in ...

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