
Marshal Ferdinand Foch

Erection date: 5/6/1930


{Front of plinth:} Foch 1851 1929.
{Rear of plinth:} Marechal Ferdinand Foch, marechal de l'armee Britannique, grand-croix de la legion d'honneur, medaille militaire, membre de L'Academie Francaise, G.C.B. O.M. D.C.L., marshal of France, 1918, generalissimo of the allied armies 1918, British field marshal 1919.
{Right of plinth:} I am conscious of having served England as I served my own country.

The statue is a copy of one at Cassel, France. It was given by France and unveiled by the then Prince of Wales, who can be seen doing exactly that at British Pathe news. We thank Jamie Davis for finding this link. Also present were the Duke of Connaught, David Lloyd George and Earl Jellicoe.

Site: Marshal Ferdinand Foch (1 memorial)

SW1, Buckingham Palace Road, Lower Grosvenor Gardens

The Londonphile published a great piece about the two shell huts in these gardens. Following WW2 these gardens were re-laid out as ‘London’s French garden’.  The huts were designed by a Frenchman and decorated with French and English shells.  The garden was officially re-opened on 18 July 1952 and dedicated to the memory of Marshal Foch.  The Londonphile piece has more details and lovely photos.

Credit for this entry to: Alan Patient of

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Marshal Ferdinand Foch

Subjects commemorated i

Marshal Ferdinand Foch

Soldier and writer. Born in Tarbes, Hautes-Pyrénées, France. He enlisted in t...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Marshal Ferdinand Foch

Created by i

King Edward VIII

Born as Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David, at White Lodge i...

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Georges Malissard

Sculptor. The picture on the right is his work 'A Polo Player'.

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