
Monarchs - board on Fleet Street


Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese, rebuilt 1667 in the reign of Charles II and successively in the reigns of:
James II : 1685 - 1688
Interregnum : Dec. 11.1688 - Feb. 13. 1689
William III & Mary II : 1689 - 1702
Anne : 1702 - 1714
George I : 1714 - 1727
George II : 1727 - 1760
George III : 1760 - 1820
George IV : 1820 - 1830
William IV : 1830 - 1837
Victoria : 1837 - 1901
Edward VII : 1901 - 1910
George V : 1910 - 1936
Edward VIII : 1936
George VI : 1936 - 1952
Elizabeth II : 1952 - 2022
Charles III : 2023

This board reads as if the pub has been rebuilt in each of the monarchs' reigns. The other board is worded more carefully which makes us think it was the second to go up, but on our visit (June 2023) Charles III had still not been added to that board. Perhaps when the sign-writer returns to do that board they can also fix this one (while Charles III was crowned in 2023, he became king in 2022).

Site: Monarchs list (2 memorials)

EC4, Fleet Street, Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese

Wikipedia lists 27 interregnums world-wide, but the brief monarch-less period referenced on these boards was the one brought about by the Glorious Revolution.

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Monarchs - board on Fleet Street

Subjects commemorated i

Queen Anne

Born St James's Palace. Reigned 1702 - 14. Married Prince George of Demark in...

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King Charles III

One-time patron of the Goon Show Preservation Society. On the death of his m...

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King Charles II

Reigned: 1660 - 1685. Born at St James's Palace. The son of the beheaded Char...

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King Edward VIII

Born as Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David, at White Lodge i...

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King Edward VII

Reigned: 1901 - 1910. Born and died at Buckingham Palace. Victoria's eldest s...

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This section lists the other memorials at the same location as the memorial on this page:
Monarchs - board on Fleet Street

Also at this site i

Monarchs - board in Wine Office Court

Monarchs - board in Wine Office Court

When they add Charles III we wonder if they will remember to also increment t...

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