
Pepys - Stew Lane


Samuel Pepys
The interest of this Kingdom to have a peace with Spaine, and a war with France and Holland. Where Sir R. Fford {sic, we think this should read Ford} talked like a man of great reason and experience. And afterwards did send for a Cupp of Tee (a China drink) of which I had never drank before, and went away. then come, Mr Birch and Sir R. Browne, by a former appointment, and with them from Towre Wharf in the barge belonging to our office, we went to Deptford to pay off the Ship Successe. Which, Sir G. Carteret and Sir W. Penn afterwards coming to us, we did. Col. Rich {sic, should read Birch} being a mighty busy man, and one that is the most indefatigable and forward to make himself work, if any man that ever I knew in my life. At the Globe we had a very good dinner; and after that with pay again, which being finished, we returned by water again. And I, from our office with Col. Slingsby by coach to Westminster; I setting him down at his lodgings by the way.

The Diary 25th September 1660, as transcribed by Joseph Smith in 1819 - 22.

This page of Pepys' Diary is given at The Diary of Samuel Pepys with lots of explanatory links.

Site: Pepys - Stew Lane (1 memorial)

EC4, Stew Lane

Why is this plaque in this location?  We can't find any specific connection between this location and this particular quote from Pepys's diary.  The only link we could find for Pepys and this spot is in a rather good article about Pepys in the Telegraph: "... Pepys probably - very probably - made good use of Stew Lane. The river stairs at the end were the place boatmen picked up customers for the brothels, or "stews", on Bankside. And he certainly knew the area around it...".   A review of the pub in June 2011 reports that the warehouse building was recently renovated so perhaps that finished with the unveiling of a plaque on 25 September 2000, and a quote exactly 340 years old was chosen.  OK, we're guessing.

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Pepys - Stew Lane

Subjects commemorated i

Globe Theatre, Southwark

Created when the lease ran out for The Theatre in 1597 so the building was di...

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Colonel John Birch

Soldier and then member of parliament.

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Sir Richard Browne

Parliamentarian army officer and Lord Mayor of London.  Born London (accordin...

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Sir George Carteret

Born St Helier, Jersey.  Treasurer of the Navy 1660-7, Vice-Chamberlain of th...

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Sir R. Ford

Many references to him in Pepys' Diary.

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Pepys - Stew Lane

Created by i

Samuel Pepys

Diarist and Secretary of the Admiralty.  Born Salisbury Court, where his fath...

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Joseph Smith

Translated Pepys's diary (written in one of the versions of shorthand used at...

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