
Rosa Luxemburg

Erection date: 11/9/2024


Rosa Luxemburg, 1871 - 1919. On this site in 1907, revolutionary socialist Rosa Luxemburg spoke with Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Gorky and others opposed to Tsarist rule in Russia.

Site: Rosa Luxemburg (1 memorial)

N1, Southgate Road, Texyte House, 24

The church and Sunday School which used to be on this site were replaced with commercial premises in the 1930s. We can't find a photo of it back then but 'Texryte House' sounds like a 1930s name for a factory or warehouse dealing in fabrics. The current building looks like it could have been built in the 30s and then undergone an extensive renovation and conversion to residential a few decades ago.

When planning a memorial for Luxemburg Matthew Bell discovered that she also spoke in Westminster in 1896 but of the two councils Hackney were more welcoming to the idea of a plaque.

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Rosa Luxemburg

Subjects commemorated i

Brotherhood Church

From Streets with a Story: "The former Brotherhood Church was originally Sout...

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Rosa Luxemburg

Revolutionary socialist. Born Rozalia Luksenburg, she was a Polish and natura...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Rosa Luxemburg

Created by i

Matthew Bell

Psychoanalyst who works near West Smithfield and is interested in local histo...

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