Samuel Pepys, 1633 - 1703, diarist and Secretary of the Admiralty, lived here, 1679 - 1688.
London County Council
Site: Samuel Pepys - WC2 (1 memorial)
WC2, Buckingham Street, 12
Credit for this entry to: Bob Baker
Samuel Pepys, 1633 - 1703, diarist and Secretary of the Admiralty, lived here, 1679 - 1688.
London County Council
WC2, Buckingham Street, 12
Credit for this entry to: Bob Baker
This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Samuel Pepys - WC2
Diarist and Secretary of the Admiralty. Born Salisbury Court, where his fath...
This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Samuel Pepys - WC2
Prior to the LCC London matters were run by church parishes. The LCC was the ...
James Hanley, 1897 - 1985, novelist and playwright, lived here. Lissenden Gardens Tenants Association Heritage Lottery Fund
Seems likely the plaques were put up when the side wings were added, in 1865-6.
The West Square Residents Association has provided an excellent history of this Square on a notice board at the gate. We have transcribed...
The British Library H.R.H. The Prince of Wales unveiled this stone 7 December 1982.
The 'plaque' is to the right of the circular 'City Heritage Award' plaque.
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