Sir Samuel Romilly, Knt., Solicitor-General 1806, occupied chambers here, 1778 - 1791.
{surrounded by a wreath of laurel leaves.}
Site: Samuel Romilly (1 memorial)
WC1, Gray's Inn Square
This memorial is in the north-west corner of the square.
Sir Samuel Romilly, Knt., Solicitor-General 1806, occupied chambers here, 1778 - 1791.
{surrounded by a wreath of laurel leaves.}
WC1, Gray's Inn Square
This memorial is in the north-west corner of the square.
This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Samuel Romilly - Gray's Inn Square
Law reformer. Born in Frith Street. Solicitor-General 1806. Caroline's Miscel...
According to Wikipedia St James' Day is either 25 July, 30 April or 13 May, depending on which calendar you use.
Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister in 1868 and 1874 - 1880, worked in this building, 1821 - 1824. The Corporation of the City of London
Barnado Gardens. This block was built by the London County Council in 1957. It was named after Dr Thomas Barnardo (1845 - 1905), who open...
The small blue plaque is to the left of the ground floor window.
We could not read the plaque itself but it is shown very clearly in the British Pathe film.
The crucifix is supported on a Tuscan column. Some sections of the list of names are so badly weather-damaged that the names there are p...
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