
Savoy - feathers


Here, John of Valois, King of France, when brought to England as a captive by the Black Prince after the Battle of Poitiers, was entertained as a prisoner of war, and died on April 8th 1364. Also in the Palace of the Savoy, Geoffrey Chaucer first great English poet came to dine many times with John of Gaunt, and here wrote many of his poems.

Site: Savoy Hotel and Theatre (10 memorials)

WC2, Savoy Court

In 1903-10 the Savoy Hotel was built by Colcutt and Macmurdo. The magnificently Art Deco Savoy Theatre is in the western section. The short road leading to the entrance to the Savoy Hotel is unusual in London in that the traffic drives on the right.

The walls along this road display seven delightful Art Deco plaques made of wood, chrome and ceramic, each topped with "SH". We have entitled these plaques after the image each bears at the bottom. There is also one other, not so lovely, brass plaque to the restoration of the theatre, and a very dull one to the restoration of the hotel. These two make an uncomfortable pair, the unveiling duties having been carried out by the Princess and Prince of Wales.

There are 6 plaques on the east side of the road, one at the end and 2 on the west side. Reading clockwise they are: crown, rose, flowers, feathers, eagle, CRII, Charles, theatre and AR-MR.

2011 - we've replaced two pictures (previously taken during a major restoration) to show the newly gilded Peter statue.

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Savoy - feathers

Subjects commemorated i

Savoy Palace

British History Online informs that a house was "built by ... Simon de Montfo...

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Edward the Black Prince

Edward, Duke of Cornwall and Prince of Wales and Aquitaine. Eldest son of Kin...

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Geoffrey Chaucer

Poet and administrator. Whilst living in the Aldgate, as the ‘Comptroller of ...

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John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster

"Old John of Gaunt, time-honoured Lancaster" - first line in Shakespeare's Ri...

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King John II of France

French monarch, known as 'John the Good'. In 1356 at the Battle of Poitiers,...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Savoy - feathers

Created by i

Savoy Hotel

Following the success of the Savoy Theatre the hotel was built next door to s...

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This section lists the other memorials at the same location as the memorial on this page:
Savoy - feathers

Also at this site i

Savoy - Charles

Savoy - Charles

This plaque is just to the left of the entrance to the hotel.

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Savoy - CRII

Savoy - CRII

SH In the Savoy Palace in 1658 by order of Oliver Cromwell, the confession of...

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Savoy - crown

Savoy - crown

SH Within these precincts stood the Palace of Savoy, the erection of which w...

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Savoy - eagle

Savoy - eagle

SH On part of this site in 1640 was built Worcester House where lived Edward...

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Savoy - flowers

Savoy - flowers

SH In the Palace of the Savoy lived for many months Simon de Montfort, found...

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