Monument | War dead | WW1

St Anne's Church WW1 Memorial


{On the lower base, on the east face:}
To the glory of God and in sacred memory of our glorious dead from this parish who gave their lives in the Great War 1914 - 1918.

{On the lower base, on the west face:}
True love by life, true love by death, is tried.
Live then for England, we for England died.

{Above this lower base there is the main, eight-sided, base with a list of 141 names starting on the east face going clockwise, in a vaguely alphabetical sequence. See the Subjects Commemorated for these names.}

The short verse, in the voice of the fallen, is touching and manages to be uplifting until the last word. It has been used on a number of other WW1 memorials but we cannot find its author.

Site: St Anne's Church WW1 Memorial (1 memorial)

N6, Highgate West Hill, St Anne's Church

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
St Anne's Church WW1 Memorial

Subjects commemorated i

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