
St John's Primary School - rebuilt

Erection date: 1864


Rebuilt .... National Schools 1864

Our research into the history of the school convinces us that the blank section of ribbon must have read "Christ Church" which was the school's new name in 1864.  In 1883 it was taken over by St John's and renamed so during repainting at some point after that it must have been decided to just not pick out the old name. It does look odd.

Site: St John's Highbury Vale Primary School - rebuilt (1 memorial)

N5, Conewood Street, St John's Highbury Vale

This street was named Park Place until some time after 1841.

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
St John's Primary School - rebuilt

Subjects commemorated i

National Schools / St John's Highbury Vale Primary School

We have decoded the following from British History On-line Opened 1836 as Hig...

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