
Teddington Lock - 1857

Erection date: 3/6/1857


This stone was laid in the presence of the worshipful Committee of Thames Navigation of the Corporation of London by Jonathan Thorp, Esqre. Chairman, 3rd June 1857.
Stephen William Leigh, Engineer.

{On a small modern brass plaque below:}
This plate was found on the side wall of the lock during reconstruction in 1950.  It had been submerged since 1857 when the lock was originally built.

This plaque surely can't have been intended to be submerged? Did they accidentally attached it too low on the wall and then quietly swear to themselves as they saw the waters rising? We can't make any sense of this.

Site: Teddington Lock (3 memorials)

TW11, Teddington Lock

Our photo shows the north side of the lock-keepers house which has a number of plaques attached. On the left of the north face: Teddington Lock - 1858, and on the right: Dunkirk. On the west face: Teddington Locks - 1857.

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Teddington Lock - 1857

Subjects commemorated i

Teddington Locks

The first lock was constructed in timber in 1810.  This become delapidated an...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Teddington Lock - 1857

Created by i

Thames Navigation Commission

Created in 1751 with responsibility for locks on the river down to Staines.  ...

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Stephen William Leigh

Engineer at Teddington Lock, 1857.

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Jonathan Thorp

Chairman of the Thames Navigation & Port of London Committee in 1857.  W...

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This section lists the other memorials at the same location as the memorial on this page:
Teddington Lock - 1857

Also at this site i

Dunkirk at Teddington Lock

Dunkirk at Teddington Lock

We've read (Telegraph and This is Local London) that on 9 May 2010 this "worn...

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Teddington Lock - 1858

Teddington Lock - 1858

We found the punctuation on this plaque so peculiar we have transcribed it ex...

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