
Temperance fountain

Erection date: 1920


{Inscribed into the ground below the lady's foot:}
Cast by the Coalbrookdale Company

{Inscribed on the base of the statue:}
Wills Bros. Sculpt. London

{On a bronze cartouche attached to the lower base:}
Erected by the Metropolitan Free Drinking Fountains Association, Sam. Gurney EsqrMP, Chairman.
July 1861
Wills Bros Sculpt.

This fountain was originally erected July 1861 at the Royal Exchange. It was moved to make room for the London Troops WW1 memorial which was erected in 1920. PMSA says "The whole rests on hexagonal base with drainage channels with v-shapes cut into relief medallions at corners". The marble base shows the scars of various possible attachments but any medallions are long gone.

Site: Blackfriars Bridge and Temperance fountain (2 memorials)

EC4, New Bridge Street

Blackfriars Station is all new and shiny but this corner of Blackfriars still needs some attention.

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Temperance fountain

Created by i

Coalbrookdale Company

An iron foundry set up by Abraham Darby in Shropshire. Can you guess what the...

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Metropolitan Drinking Fountain and Cattle Trough Association

Started by Samuel Gurney MP and the barrister, Edward Thomas Wakefield. Found...

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W. & T. Wills

Sculptors, of 12 Euston Road.

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Samuel Gurney

Banker, philanthropist, M.P. Set up the Metropolitan Drinking Fountain and Ca...

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This section lists the other memorials at the same location as the memorial on this page:
Temperance fountain

Also at this site i

Blackfriars Bridge - plaque

Blackfriars Bridge - plaque

The Queen was busy that day in 1869, opening two bridges, the other being Hol...

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