
War memorial St Mary Magdelene - Paddington


1914 - 1918
Infinitum Est
{Latin: It is infinite}

Most war memorials at churches make some reference to 'members of this parish who fell' or have a list of the dead, or those who served.  But this one just gives the dates of the war - very minimal.

Site: War memorial St Mary Magdelene - Paddington (1 memorial)

W2, Rowington Close

This building is considered the masterpiece of George Edmund StreetBarbara Pym was a member of the congregation 1971–72.

The 1962 film The Boys shows this church surrounded by an area devastated by the war and 'slum clearance'.  The magnificent Reel Streets has it covered.

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
War memorial St Mary Magdelene - Paddington

Subjects commemorated i

World War 1

We'd always assumed that this war was known as the Great War until WW2 came a...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
War memorial St Mary Magdelene - Paddington

Created by i

Martin Travers

Howard Martin Otho Travers was an English church artist and designer. One of ...

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