

Site: Fleabag (1 memorial)

NW5, York Rise, Bold Cafe

The Evening Standard, 14 October 2019 (link now behind a paywall): "Could a Fleabag Walking Tour be in the offing? Bold café on York Rise in Dartmouth Park has stuck up a plastic plaque outside that reads: “Fun fact: the popular TV show Fleabag was filmed right here at BOLD.” The Turkish café, once a greasy spoon, starred as Fleabag’s guinea pig-themed café, where the titular Fleabag charged £12.50 for a sandwich. Turning off York Rise to your left, you’ll find yourself on Laurier Road — the site of Fleabag’s sister’s house. The Londoner spies an opportunity for a striding entrepreneur…"

This section lists the memorials located at this site:



Fun fact: the popular TV show Fleabag was filmed right here at BOLD!

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