Site: Ricardo Street School air raid (2 memorials)
E14, Kerbey Street, Lansbury Lawrence Primary School
We can't find an image of the school that was bombed. An early school appears on this 1895 map, occupying the northern part of the site, but by the time of this 1916 map it had been rebuilt on the southern part, and the houses around the edge of the block had gone.
From the Listing: "These schools replaced the Ricardo Street Schools of 1913-1914, bombed in 1940 and 1944. The Susan Lawrence School was the first building to be reconstructed as part of the 'Live Architecture' exhibition of the Festival of Britain, for the site of which the Lansbury area was chosen in 1949."
From Open House: "Lansbury Lawrence Primary School was built for the 'Live Architecture' exhibition in the Festival of Britain, 1951. It was designed by the architects, Yorke, Rosenberg and Mardall. The school is part of the Lansbury Estate, named after the politician, George Lansbury. The main school was originally named Susan Lawrence, who was one of the earliest female MPs. Of all the buildings in the Lansbury Exhibition, the Susan Lawrence School was the most admired at the time. ... The nursery school was named Elizabeth Lansbury, who was George Lansbury's wife. The Elizabeth Lansbury School was the first post-war nursery school in London, and perhaps nationally."
The Decorated School has some photos of the interior - very enticing.
Credit for this entry to: Alan Patient of