Site: William Richard Sutton (1 memorial)
N1, The Sutton Estate, Evelyn Denington Court
We think Evelyn Denington must be the politician (1907 – 1998) who served on the LCC and then the GLC, 1946 - 77, where she was Chair of the Housing Committee.
N1, The Sutton Estate, Evelyn Denington Court
We think Evelyn Denington must be the politician (1907 – 1998) who served on the LCC and then the GLC, 1946 - 77, where she was Chair of the Housing Committee.
This section lists the memorials located at this site:
William Richard Sutton
Evelyn Denington Court, completed in 1990 under the charitable trust of the w...
This section lists the memorials located nearby this site:
William Richard Sutton