The world's longest-running current affairs television programme. Produced by the BBC, it was hosted originally by Richard Dimbleby. It also airs worldwide through BBC World News on digital service...
Breakfast Time
British television's first national breakfast television programme, Produced by the BBC it was revolutionary for the time, mixing hard news with light-hearted features. The presenters, typically wo...
Scouting for Boys
A book on boy scout training written by Robert Baden-Powell. It was originally published in six fortnightly instalments and contained information on 'self-survival', based on his boyhood experience...
Come Play With Me
Soft porn film. It starred Mary Millington, and surprisingly, several stalwarts of British comedy including Irene Handl and Alfie Bass. The plot involved money forgers and a group of dancing girls ...
BBC History Project
A 2016 BB2 television series called Black and British - A Forgotten History, traced the history of black people in Britain. Following on from this, a series of plaques are being erected around Brit...
BBC Radio London
London's BBC local radio station. It targets a mainstream audience, broadcasting across Greater London and beyond,
Hunky Dory
The fourth studio album recorded by David Bowie. It includes now classic tracks such as 'Changes', 'Oh! You Pretty Things' and 'Life on Mars?'
Space Oddity
Song by David Bowie. It was first released as a single, and became the title of his second studio album. The song is about Major Tom, a fictional astronaut.