Poet. Born at Field Place, near Horsham in Sussex. Had a habit of eloping with and then marrying 16 or 17 year olds: first Harriet Westbrook. When she, pregnant, drowned herself in the Serpentine Percy waited 2 weeks and then married Mary Godwin with whom he had been living for the previous 2 years.
Although he couldn't swim and often predicted that he would die by drowning, Shelley spent the summer of 1822 sailing on the Bay of Lerici. A storm threw him and others overboard. The bodies were washed ashore 10 days later and, in the presence of Lord Byron and Leigh Hunt, a cremation took place on the beach. Shelley's heart was saved and given to Mary who carried it with her all her life, taking it to her own grave (or their son kept it and took it to his grave, stories vary). Shelley's ashes were later buried in the Protestant cemetery in Rome.
This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Commemorated ati
Percy & Mary Shelley
After their elopement in July 1814 the Shelleys lived here with Claire Clairm...
Percy Shelley - SE1 - blue
British History Online: "In 1932 the London County Council erected a memorial...
Percy Shelley - SE1 - Southwark
Percy Bysshe Shelley lived at No. 26 Nelson Square which formerly stood on a ...
Somers Town Mural
This mural was commissioned by the GLC in 1980 and moved to this site by St P...
Other Subjects
Dylan Thomas
Poet. Born at 5 Cwmdonkin Drive, Swansea, which is now a themed holiday rental. Died at St Vincents Hospital, in New York City during a lecture tour of the United States. He is buried at Laugharne,...
Dame Edith Sitwell
Poet and biographer. Born at Scarborough into the aristocracy. 6-foot tall, with elongated features she added to the effect with her exuberant flowing and ornate clothing. Her poetry was avant ...
Constantine Cavafy
Poet. Known as Constantine Peter Cavafy and as Konstantin or Konstantinos Petrou Kavafis. Born Egypt to Greek parents. On the death of his father in 1870 the family settled in Liverpool for a time,...
Siegfried Sassoon
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Person, Armed Forces, Literature, Poetry, Seriously Famous, France
Previously viewed
James Greathead statue
EC3, Cornhill
Note that part of the Greathead shield used in digging the tunnels at Bank Station was left in situ.
Henry Charles Fehr
Sculptor. Born Forest Hill into a family of Swiss origin. Died London. Other work in London: Passmore Edwards Library E3, Methodist Central Hall (with Henry Poole) and the 1893 Perseus Rescuing ...
Character created by Mary Shelley in her eponymous book. The Somers Town Mural supposedly shows "Head of Frankenstein". We can't see it in the mural but suspect that the head of Frankenstein's mon...
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