Saint Augustine
Theologian and philosopher. Also known as Augustine of Hippo. Born in Thagaste (now Souk Ahras), Algeria. He was brought up as a Christian by his mother, Saint Monica. He travelled to teach in Rome...
Sir Alfred Ayer
Philosopher professor. Born Neville Court, Abbey Road. Married 4 times, twice to the same woman. At one stage he rejected atheism on the grounds that any discussion about religion was meaningless. ...
Sir Francis Bacon
Born York House near Strand. Died in Highgate at Arundel House, the home of his friend, Thomas Howard, Lord Arundel. The site is now occupied by St. Michael's Church, South Grove. Travelling toward...
Andres Bello
Born: Caracas, Venezuela.
Person, Nationalism, Philosophy, Politics & Administration, Venezuela
Jeremy Bentham
Born Spitalfields. A child prodigy, Bentham went to Oxford University aged 12. He chose not to practice law but to comment on it, institutions and society in general. He is associated with the doct...
Sir Isaiah Berlin
Sir Isaiah Berlin OM CBE FBA was a Russian-British social and political theorist, philosopher, and historian of ideas. Born in Riga into a wealthy family, which moved with him to London, in 1921. ...
Edmund Burke
Economist, philosopher, author and statesman. Born in Dublin. MP 1766-94 with the Whig Party.
Thomas Burnet
Geological theorist. Published "Sacred Theory of the Earth".