Admiral. Born Staffordshire. 1740-4 circumnavigated the globe. Captured a Spanish galleon loaded with gold and silver (aren't they all?) and returned home a wealthy man. Died at home, Moor Park, Hertfordshire. Description of his voyage, from the cat angle, at English Buildings.
This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Admiral George Anson
Commemorated ati
Other Subjects
H. C. E. Freeman
Co-partner or employee of the South Suburban Gas Company. Served but did not die in WW1.
War served, WW1
1 memorial
War dead, WW1
1 memorial
War dead, WW2
1 memorial
War dead, WW1
1 memorial
W. J. Allison
Co-partner or employee of the South Suburban Gas Company. Served but did not die in WW1.
War served, WW1
1 memorial
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