Person    | Male  Born 14/12/1892  Died 15/1/1986

Alfred Bestall

Categories: Art, Children, Literature

Countries: Burma, Wales

Author and illustrator. Born Alfred Edmeades Bestall in Mandalay, Burma. He served in the army during WW1, transporting troops in red double-decker buses. Following his studies at the L.C.C. Central School, he was hired to illustrate books by Enid Blyton. In 1935 he succeeded Mary Tourtel as the illustrator of the Rupert Bear stories in the Daily Express. In 1965 he retired from the paper but continued illustrating the cover of the Rupert Annual until 1973. Died at Wren Manor Nursing Home, Porthmadog, Wales.

Credit for this entry to: Alan Patient of

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Alfred Bestall

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Alfred Bestall

Alfred Bestall, 1892 - 1986, illustrator of Rupert Bear, lived here 1936 - 19...

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