Group    To 30/9/1959

all connected with Croydon & its aerodrome who gave their lives in WW2

Croydon aerodrome was the world's first international airport. It was closed to civil traffic at the start of WW2 to become an RAF fighter station. It was in the front line for the Battle of Britain. On 15 August 1940 it was targeted during the first major raid on the London area. In February 1946 it was handed back to civil control but with no room for expansion the decision was taken to close it and the last scheduled plane flew out on 30 September 1959.

We cannot find a picture of the airport from the wartime, but perhaps that's due to security preventing any being taken. Our undated picture is of the inside of the control tower.

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This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
all connected with Croydon & its aerodrome who gave their lives in WW2

Commemorated ati

Croydon Aerodrome Battle of Britain memorial

21 foot high and topped with a bronze eagle, this monument does not actually ...

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Other Subjects

members of the Royal Artillery who died in WW2

members of the Royal Artillery who died in WW2

29,924 of all ranks of the Royal Artillery died in WW2.


1 memorial
Air Raid Precautions (ARP)

Air Raid Precautions (ARP)

In WW2 each local council was responsible for setting up the local ARP to protect civilians from air raids. ARP Wardens were important members, enforcing the blackout, sounding the alarms, etc.

Group, Social Welfare

1 memorial
Tower Hill Improvement Trust

Tower Hill Improvement Trust

Created by Tubby Clayton, Dr B R Leftwich, Lord Wakefield and Sir Follett Holt.  Purpose: to improve Tower Hill by removing from it certain ugly buildings which at that time disfigured it and hampe...

Group, Architecture, Social Welfare

2 memorials
London Society of East Anglians

London Society of East Anglians

Apart from erecting the Liverpool Street Station memorial and commissioning the design of this flag in 1903 or 1905 we can't discover what this society has done, or what it's for.

Group, Community / Clubs

1 memorial