Person    | Female  Born 23/6/1889  Died 5/3/1966

Anna Akhmatova

Categories: Poetry

Countries: Russia

Russian poet. Living at a time of war, revolution and the Soviet regime, she was often out of favour with the powerful. Her first husband was executed by the Soviet secret police. Her son and her common-law husband both spent many years in the Gulag, her husband dying there.

c.1914 she met and began a relationship with Boris Anrep: both writing poems about the other. She features in many of his mosaics. English Buildings has: "She and Anrep were close when they were young, but did not see one another for decades once Anrep had left for western Europe. They met again in old age."

This portrait by Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin shows Akhmatova in 1922.

This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Anna Akhmatova

Commemorated ati

Muses - Calliope

The NG leaflet, referring to Calliope, the muse of epic poetry, has "Unknown ...

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Virtues - Compassion

Anna Akhmatova, looking towards Anrep's gravestone (in another panel) and sur...

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