John Adams-Acton
Sculptor. Born John Adams in Acton and later added the (now) suburb's name to his, not because of pride in his place of birth but to differentiate himself from other artists of the same name. Did...
George Gammon Adams
Portrait sculptor and medallist. Born Staines. Died at home home, Acton Green Lodge, Chiswick.
George Alexander
Architectural sculptor, wood carver, modeller, metalwork designer, medallist. Born Glasgow. Worked as an architectural sculptor in Glasgow before 1901, then moved to London to study at the Royal A...
José Simões de Almeida
Sculptor. Born at Figueiró dos Vinhos, Portugal. Known as 'Nephew' to distinguish him from his uncle who had the same name and was also a sculptor. He trained at the School of Fine Arts of Lisbon. ...
Shenda Amery
Sculptor (or "sculptress", according to her website). Born England, studied chemistry and moved to Iran where she took up art and sculpture. Active in 2011.
John Angel
Architectural and ecclesiastical sculptor, medallist and lecturer. He emigrated to the United States where he created architectural sculpture. Born Devon. Studied at the Lambeth School of Art. Mar...
Princess Louise Duchess of Argyll
Born at Buckingham Palace, sixth child of Queen Victoria. Was a talented sculptress taught, and possibly more, by Joseph Boehm. In 1871 caused a stir by marrying John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, M...