Person    | Male  Born 12/4/1550  Died 24/6/1604

Edward de Vere

Categories: Poetry

17th Earl of Oxford. Possibly born at Castle Hedingham, Essex. He wrote poetry  and was a court favourite. Since the 1920s, he has been among the alternative candidates for the authorship of Shakespeare's works. Curiously, he gave himself the nom de plume 'spear-shaker' due to his ability at tournaments.

From Edward de Vere as Shakespeare:  "Fisher's Folly just outside Bishopsgate was Edward De Vere's London home from 1579 - 1588.... Today, the pub the Bull is located on the same spot. ... When Edward De Vere moved out of London, he and his wife Elizabeth Trentham lived in Stoke Newington {the 'mansion'}, before they bought the King's Place (later Brooke House) in Hackney."

De Vere died at King's Place/Brooke House. He is recorded as having been buried in the church of St Augustine on 4 July 1604, though it's possibly that his body was re-interred sometime between 1612 and 1619 at Westminster Abbey.

Credit for this entry to: Alan Patient of

This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Edward de Vere

Commemorated ati

Brooke House

Wikipedia and the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography both give De Vere's...

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Edward de Vere's mansion

On this site stood a medieval mansion sometime home of Edward de Vere, 17th E...

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