Person    | Male  Born 22/5/1923  Died /6/1998

Geoffrey Hubbard

We don't know that the Geoffrey Hubbard we found on Wikipedia is the one named on the plaque but it seems likely, especially since the date of death would tally with a plaque being erected in January 1999. We discount the slight difference in the spelling of the first name.

Geoffrey Hubbard was director of the National Council for Educational Technology (now called "British Educational Communications and Technology Agency; becta) and Chair of the National Extension College's trustees from 1989 to his death in June 1998. He was also a well-known, active Quaker. He gave the Swarthmore Lecture at London Yearly Meeting 1991, published as Patterns and Examples. Quaker Attitudes and European Opportunities. He also wrote an introduction to the Quaker faith: Quaker by Convincement (1974).

The picture source has a short obituary which includes: "He began his career as an engineer with GEC and then moved into the civil service in the Ministry of Technology. He had a clear vision that the CET was about development not research, which he saw as a job for the universities. In that vision lay CET’s success. A Quaker, a quiet reflective man, but one who all of his staff respected and followed his wise lead. For many months I was frustrated because I wanted to write about him but couldn’t find a photograph of him on the Internet, and then in going through a bunch of papers I kept from my days in the Policy Unit at Becta I found a printed invitation to Becta’s Chief Executive to his memorial service in 1998 and it had this delightful photo on it. Very much the man I remember and someone who made a great contribution to educational technology."

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Geoffrey Hubbard

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Geoffery Hubbard

Wilmington House is the building to the right which continues around the corn...

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