Group    From 1964 

Grasmere Primary School

Categories: Education

Credit for this entry to: Alan Patient of

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This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
Grasmere Primary School

Creations i

Inez Leslie

{Beneath a portrait:} In loving memory of Inez Leslie, 1946 - 1991, Grasmere'...

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Other Subjects

Unzo Matsumura

Unzo Matsumura

Became a student at UCL in 1865.

Person, Education, Japan

1 memorial
Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School

Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School

Queen Elizabeth I granted the charter in 1573.  Set up in the Barnet Tudor Hall the school did not relocate until 1932 when it moved the short distance to Queen's Road.

Group, Education

2 memorials
Theophilus Gale

Theophilus Gale

Nonconformist minister and teacher.  Born Devon. Buried in Bunhill burial ground.

Person, Education, Religion

1 memorial
Royal College of Physicians

Royal College of Physicians

Founded by Thomas Linacre in 1518 with a charter granted by Henry VIII. Their first home was Linacre's own house in Knightrider Street. Their second home, at Amen Corner, Paternoster Row, was des...

Group, Education, Medicine

5 memorials
Lady Byron

Lady Byron

Born as Anne Isabella Milbanke, sometimes known as Annabella, an heiress in her own right. Unusually well-educated. An unwise marriage to Lord Byron in January 1815 lasted only a year but did produ...

Person, Education, Friend / family, Race Issues

1 memorial