Company created by William Randolph Hearst's father and made extremely successful and powerful by WRH.
This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
Hearst Corporation
Creations i
Eagle Squadrons
{On the front of the pillar, facing north, into the square, below a carved im...
Other Subjects
Edward Lloyd
Publisher and newspaper proprietor. Born Thornton Heath. His publishing career began at the lower end with sensational stories and Charles Dickens' plagiarisms/parodies, such as 'Oliver Twiss' and ...
Darcus Howe
Broadcaster, writer and civil liberties campaigner. Born as Leighton Rhett Radford Howe in Moruga, Trinidad. He moved to England at the age of 18 and initially studied law before moving to journali...
Person, Journalism / Publishing, Race Issues, TV & Radio, Caribbean Islands
Period Living magazine
Launched in 1990, we thought this mag had folded years ago but, 2021, it's still going.
James Hall (writer)
Writer and journalist. James Hall started the campaign to commemorate the first recording studio after he chanced upon it while researching his novel, The Industry Of Human Happiness, set in the ea...
S Carter Hall
On the Executive Committee for the 1851 Great Exhibition Memorial.Journal editor and writer.Born Geneva barracks, Co. Waterford, Ireland. Died 24 Stanford Road, Kensington.
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