Soldier and politician. Political roles included: Foreign Secretary, First Lord of the Admiralty and, 1810 - 1819, Master-General of the Ordnance. It was during this time that the Cadiz memorial was constructed. Died at Mulgrave Castle, Yorkshire.
This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
Henry Phipps, 1st Earl of Mulgrave
Creations i
Cadiz Memorial
On their withdrawal the French deliberately destroyed their cannons. The Spa...
Other Subjects
1 memorial
Vernon Malcolmson
Chairman of the Westminster Housing Trust from 1933 until his death.
1 memorial
William Thompson
One of the Commissioners for the Great Exhibition, 1851.
1 memorial
Charles Shattock
Shattock Family History has a terrific Victorian family photo captioned: "Charles Shattock family. Charles Shattock (1857-1928) is John Shattock's great grandfather. He owned a string of shoe store...
1 memorial
Michael Bakunin
Revolutionary, philosopher, and theorist of collectivist anarchism. Possibly the founder of anarchist theory in general. Born Russia. Well-travelled: Germany, France, Japan, London, Sweden, Sw...
1 memorial
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