Built 1863 as Mortimer's Music hall. 1866 MacDonald took it over but in 1871 following complaints it lost its performance licence. Bought in 1879 by rich Quaker philanthropist William Isaac Palmer (of Huntley and Palmer biscuits) for the Blue Ribbon Gospel Temperance Mission. 1893 in his will Palmer left the hall to the Quaker Bedford Institute. 1910 the hall was extended and became an Institute, used for boys and girls clubs. It is now used as a community centre.
This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Hoxton Hall
Commemorated ati
Hoxton Hall
Hoxton Hall. Built 1863 as a music hall. Owned since 1893 by Bedford Institu...
Other Subjects
United Wards Club of the City of London
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Ealing YMCA
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Holland Park
This is a very vague indication of who erected the plaque for P.D. James. We'd guess it's a group of local residents.
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