Person    | Male  Born 27/5/1932  Died 4/9/1997

Jeffrey Bernard

Journalist. Born 11 Hampstead Square. His chaotic life, spent mainly in the bar of the Coach and Horses, Greek Street, led to the play 'Jeffrey Bernard is Unwell' by Keith Waterhouse, the title being a reference to the notice that often appeared in place of his weekly column in The Spectator. Died at his home, 45 Kemp House, Berwick Street.

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Jeffrey Bernard

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Spirit of Soho Mural

Interesting that Coca Cola are specifically mentioned on the panel but not as...

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Angus McGill

Angus McGill

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1 memorial
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Frederick Startridge Ellis

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Chartered Institute of Journalists

Chartered Institute of Journalists

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1 memorial
The Times

The Times

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James Hall (writer)

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John Allen

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Royal apothecary

Person, Science

1 memorial