Person    | Male  Born 28/3/1660  Died 11/6/1727

King George I

Born Hanover. When the last of Queen Anne's 17 children died without issue (no one could accuse her of not trying) there were lots of Catholic potential claimants, but Britain wanted a Protestant heir. Looking further afield, the Act of Settlement named some descendants of James I, Sophia and her son George, who ascended the throne in 1714, unable to speak English.

The sad story of his wife, Sophia Dorothea of Celle, is told in the 1948 film 'Saraband for Dead Lovers'. Mother of the future George II, she never came to Britain, having been effectively imprisioned in Castle of Ahlden in Saxony, from 1695 till her death in 1726.

Invested in and was governor of the South Sea company whose trade was slavery.

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This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
King George I

Commemorated ati

Buck Hill bastion

This is really an information board rather than a plaque and has a number of ...

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King George I statue, WC1

The spire is an astonishing sight, one of our London favourites. It is a tall...

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Monarchs - board in Wine Office Court

When they add Charles III we wonder if they will remember to also increment t...

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Monarchs - board on Fleet Street

This board reads as if the pub has been rebuilt in each of the monarchs' reig...

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