
MDM Props

Categories: Craft / Design, Sculpture

From their website: "MDM works with Artists and Galleries from across the globe, fabricating artworks in a multitude of materials to the highest standards. We work closely with each artist to understand their creative vision, enabling us to fulfil the individual requirements of each project."

We have not identified the sculptor for any of the 5 statues at Arsenal.

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This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
MDM Props

Creations i

Dennis Bergkamp

The statue was unveiled in Bergkamp's lifetime which puts him in a select clu...

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Herbert Chapman

{On the base of the statue:} Herbert Chapman - Arsenal Manager 1925 - 1934.

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Ken Friar

The previously named North Bridge, was renamed as the Ken Friar bridge and th...

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Thierry Henry

The statue was erected in Henry's lifetime puts him in a select club - see Fe...

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Tony Adams

Unveiled in Adams's lifetime which puts him in a select club - see Fenner Bro...

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Other Subjects

Maria Volkova

Maria Volkova

The National Gallery leaflet describes Volkova as Anrep's sister in law. But this Imago photo of Anrep and Volkova at the completed 'Awakening of the Muses', is captioned: "Maria Volkova - the only...

Person, Craft / Design

1 memorial
Phil Baines

Phil Baines

Philip Andrew Baines was a graphic designer.  Hagg Bridge has an interesting interview with Baines about his work on the 7 July memorial.  Guardian obituary.

Person, Craft / Design

3 memorials
David Tootill

David Tootill

Mosaic/ceramic artist, active c. 2005.

Person, Craft / Design

1 memorial
Laura Symes

Laura Symes

Mosaic artist active in 2012. Born Scotland.

Person, Craft / Design, Scotland

2 memorials

Previously viewed

Ada Salter

Ada Salter

Socialist and pacifist. Born Ada Brown at Raunds, Northamptonshire. She joined the West London Mission to work among the London poor, and in 1897 transferred to the Bermondsey Settlement, where she...

Person, Community / Clubs, Politics & Administration

6 memorials
Gilpin pier at St Botolphs

Gilpin pier at St Botolphs

EC2, Bishopsgate, St Botolph-without-Bishopsgate churchyard

The piers on either side of the path look like gate-posts but there's no evidence of any gates ever having been attached. Each of the pie...

1 creator
World War 2

World War 2

Sorry, we've done no research on WW2, it's just too big a subject. But do visit the picture source web site - it has a fascinating collection of maps.  And we enjoyed these photos of current WW2 ev...

Event, Armed Forces, Tragedy

376 memorials
Capt. William George Butcher

Capt. William George Butcher

District Officer in the St John Ambulance Brigade, No. 1 District Metropolitan Corps, 1895-1938. Officer in the Order of St John.

Person, Armed Forces, Emergency Services, Medicine, Politics & Administration

1 memorial
Councillor  P. J. Geoghegan, JP
1 memorial