Place    From 1695 

Morden College

Categories: Philanthropy

A charity founded by Sir John Morden, to accommodate merchants who had lost their estates by accidents and perils of the seas. Initially, only single or widowed men were admitted, but in the 20th century, admission requirements were amended to include women and married couples. The design of the original building has been attributed to Sir Christopher Wren.

Charities such as this often sustain their causes through income from properties, such as the 1892 commercial premises at 142 - 146 Trafalgar Road owned by Morden College.

Credit for this entry to: Alan Patient of

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This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Morden College

Commemorated ati

Anchor Iron Wharf - history

{On the base of the monument:} Anchor Iron Wharf In 964 King Edgar granted th...

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Other Subjects

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