Malcolm Campbell

Subject: Malcolm Campbell

Born 11/3/1885, 140 years ago

Holder of land and water speed records. Born Chislehurst, Kent. He broke the land speed record for the first time in 1924 and went on to break it a further nine times (five at Daytona Beach, Florid...

Person, Sport / Games, Transport, USA

2 memorials
Fireman Colin Comber

Subject: Fireman Colin Comber

Died 11/3/1968, 57 years ago

Called to attend a fire in a restaurant in the King’s Road, Chelsea, he entered the building in breathing apparatus, along with his colleague Fireman Peter Brian O'Connell Hutchins, to locate the s...

Person, Emergency Services, Tragedy

1 memorial
Daily Courant

Subject: Daily Courant

Started 11/3/1702, 323 years ago

First daily newspaper to be published in England. Published by Elixabeth Mallet from rooms above the White Hart in Fleet Street. 2022: Londonist, rightly, draws attention to the fact that this, Br...

Media, Journalism / Publishing

2 memorials
W. Donavon

Subject: W. Donavon

Died 11/3/1917, 108 years ago

4627 Private 20th BN. London Regiment. A 1841.


War dead, WW1
1 memorial
Rosalie Drury Snr.

Subject: Rosalie Drury Snr.

Born 11/3/1887, 138 years ago

Born Rosalie Sawyer on 11 March 1887 in Hoxton, the eldest of the eight children of William Vernon Sawyer (1863-1939) and Amelia Emma Sawyer née Cooksey (1864-1901). Her father was a Mattress Maker...

Person, Friend / family

1 memorial
Howell Powell Edwards

Subject: Howell Powell Edwards

Died 11/3/1897, 128 years ago

Born Wales.   Studied at Oxford and entered the church.  Married Elizabeth Pugh, the daughter of the family where he was working as tutor.  Oxford Council Member and Canon of Llandaff Cathedral.  H...

Person, Religion, Wales

1 memorial
Sir Alexander Fleming

Subject: Sir Alexander Fleming

Died 11/3/1955, 70 years ago

Born Lochfield, Scotland. Pharmacologist and bacteriologist who discovered penicillin in 1927. However he did not realise the significance and it was not until 1940 that Florey and Chain demonstrat...

Person, Medicine, Science, Seriously Famous, Scotland

6 memorials
Sir Ralph Freeman

Subject: Sir Ralph Freeman

Died 11/3/1950, 75 years ago

Civil engineer.  Born 88 Rendlesham Road, West Hackney.   Worked on Sydney harbour bridge.  Died at home, Graden, Hendon Avenue.  Picture at: Flickr (copyrighted).

Person, Engineering, Australia

1 memorial
Fukushima disaster

Subject: Fukushima disaster

Started 11/3/2011, 14 years ago

The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant suffered major damage from an earthquake and tsunami.

Event, Tragedy, Japan

1 memorial
Councillor H. H. Sandford

Subject: Councillor H. H. Sandford

Died 11/3/1999, 26 years ago

Chairman Works Committee for the Chiltern Street car park in 1965. Luckily for us some of his miniature medals were auctioned in 2009 and the lot description gives some information about Flight Li...

Person, Politics & Administration

1 memorial
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