Person    | Male  Born 6/6/1909  Died 5/11/1997

Sir Isaiah Berlin

Categories: History, Philosophy

Countries: Russia

Sir Isaiah Berlin OM CBE FBA was a Russian-British social and political theorist, philosopher, and historian of ideas.

Born in Riga into a wealthy family, which moved with him to London, in 1921.

He became increasingly averse to writing for publication. However his improvised lectures and talks were sometimes recorded and transcribed, and many of his spoken words were converted into published essays and books, both by himself and by others, especially his principal editor from 1974, Henry Hardy.

Known for his 1958 lecture "Two Concepts of Liberty". Other topics included: the counter-enlightenment, value pluralism, etc.

1922 - 1928 his family lived in W14 (the blue plaque).

Regarding the Hampstead plaque English Heritage inform: "Berlin's family moved here {Hollycroft Avenue} in October 1928. Though he left for Oxford University that same month he spent much time [there] during his university vacations in Hampstead. Oxford was Berlin's main base for the rest of his life, though latterly he kept a 'set' at Albany, a range of exclusive apartments off Piccadilly."

He lived at Headington House, Old High Street, Headington, Oxford 1956–1997. A plaque was unveiled at the entrance on 7 June 2009. The event was one of many worldwide celebrations to mark the centenary of his birth.

Died Oxford.

This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Sir Isaiah Berlin

Commemorated ati

Isaiah Berlin - NW3

Sir Isaiah Berlin OM, 1909 - 1997, philosopher, historian of ideas, lived her...

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Isaiah Berlin - W14

Sir Isaiah Berlin, 1909 - 1997, philosopher and historian of ideas, lived her...

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