Launched to replace the Daily Herald. First printed at Bouverie Streeet, south of Fleet Street. The Sun's website refused to let us have a picture of their logo so we went elsewhere for it. Which means we do not provide a link to The Sun's website. Good.
This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
The Sun
Commemorated ati
5 - Bolt Court – The Sun
Bolt Court The Sun {A facsimile of a page of the paper.} Tuesday 15 September...
This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
The Sun
Creations i
George Michael crash
By the time we got there (in 2014 - it was not top of our priority list) the ...
Other Subjects
Children's comic published by James Henderson and Sons. It featured 'Dr Rhino's Jolly Jungle Boys' and 'Willie And Winnie And Wuffles The Pup'. Originally called 'Sparks' it went through various ch...
Henry Buxton Forman
Born Camden Place, Southampton Street, Camberwell. Bibliographer and forger. An authority on the lives and works of Shelley and Keats. He also had a lifelong career in the Post Office and was award...
Person, Journalism / Publishing, Literature, Museums / Libraries, Politics & Administration
Chris Brasher
Athlete and journalist. Born Christopher William Brasher in Georgetown, Guyana. He was one of the pacemakers for Roger Bannister when he broke the four-minute mile barrier in 1954. He pioneered the...
Person, Journalism / Publishing, Sport / Games, South America
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