Playwright. Born London, probably in in a house on the corner of Ironmonger Lane and Cateaton Street (now Gresham Street). Baptized on 18 April 1580 in St Lawrence Jewry. He collaborated with a number of other dramatists including Shakespeare. With William Rowley co-wrote The Changeling which is his most well-known play and still performed. From at least 1608 he lived with his wife and family in Newington Butts where he died.
This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Thomas Middleton
Commemorated ati
St Marys Newington - Middleton
Thomas Middleton was an Elizabethean {sic} playwright and poet who collaborat...
Other Subjects
A. E. Housman
Alfred Edward Housman. Born near Bromsgrove in Worcestershire. Classical scholar, lyrical poet. On his twelfth birthday his mother died. He initially failed his degree at Oxford but went on to be a...
Ben Okri
Poet and novelist. Born Nigeria but spent his early childhood in London. Returned to England to study in the late 1970s. His 1991 novel 'The Famished Road' won the Booker Prize.
W. B. Yeats
Poet and dramatist. Born in Dublin to John Butler Yeats. A member of The Rhymers' Club. Died in Roquebrune, France.
Reverend Samuel Hoole
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Rabindranath Tagore
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