This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
W. H. Brotherhood
Commemorated ati
South Suburban Gas Company war memorial
The monument, designed by Sydney March, is grade II Listed. Prior to 2012 Goo...
Other Subjects
Shiekh Khaled Jaber F. Al-Sabah
We think we have found the right man. If so, Wikipedia informs that he was imprisoned in Kuwait in 2021.
1 memorial
E. M. Palser
Student of Trinity College of Music, killed in WW1.
War dead, WW1
1 memorial
T. W. Harland
Member of the staff of A. W. Gamage Ltd and/or Benetfink & Co. Ltd. Killed in WW1.
War dead, WW1
1 memorial
Operation Mincemeat
Operation Mincemeat was a successful WW2 British deception operation to disguise the 1943 Allied invasion of Sicily. British intelligence obtained an unwanted body and took it to Hackney Mortuary w...
2 memorials
G. Crossley
Co-partner or employee of the South Suburban Gas Company. Served but did not die in WW1.
War served, WW1
1 memorial
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